Thursday, February 14, 2008


Two parishioners next to me were enthusiastically debating. The problem was: reincarnation! The one (+) was obstinate that reincarnation does happen. The proof given was unmitigated: Jesus Himself incarnated becoming a man, so that is called incarnation! Another one (-) said that the event happened because He is a God who can turn into whatever He wants. Our religion did firmly say that after the death there is only either heaven or hell! The debating became more and more interesting:

(+): “Gosh, it is inconceivable if these so many people were only given two places: heaven or hell? Then if the person is partly good and partly bad, where would he be put into?”

(-): “Enter to the sanctification.”

(+): “That’s mean there are three places, not two! Then how does the sanctification look like?”

(-): “Like a place where we are waiting the final judgement while learning, just like this world but without real body.”

(+): “Gosh…, where does that theory come from? I am in the same Catholic Church as you but have never been taught like that! Probably you just make the things up! What is wrong if those in the sanctification are sent back to this world with new body, which is more suitable with his conduct when he was still alive in this world: Those corruptors who still can be forgiven could be turned into mice, those who were greedy should be turned into a pig, those who were a bit better but had ever fallen in great sin could be turned into man again who has better position and life as well as a place that more possible for him to learn better?”

(-): “Oh God!!! That is more unbelievable! That’s really in contradiction with God The Lover who really loves His creatures! How can people become a mouse, pig, and kinds of animals? They should just stay in that sanctification, don’t need to go anywhere, learn again and again until they pass, experience joy and sorrow too.”

(+): “You are so weird! Perhaps you did use to stay in that place and were reincarnated so thus you really understand that realm, and it makes me becoming surer that there is reincarnation.”

(-): “Whatever! In my opinion, there is no reincarnation!”

And then they stopped, having no clue. Suddenly, the one who agreed with reincarnation looked at me and asked:

(+): ”What do you think?”

Because being asked, I answered.

Me: “I am the one who “just enjoy”. It means: If someone feels that he was a monkey like in the theory of evolution (Darwinism), then he is now being grateful to be able to do “chatting” and “surfing” via internet with sophisticated laptop in cafes, and with the full awareness he gives his best effort to do anything well so that later after his death he could be lifted up becoming one of the gods, so that reincarnation is a good thing for him.”

(+): “That’s mean you are agree with reincarnation.”

Me: “Not that that I mean.”

(+): “Hey.., don’t be inconsistent, man.”

Me: “Not like that too. I just don’t want to be the one who “knows everything”, because I do don’t know who were I am in the past? And actually I do not know: what kind of life after the death? I just believe with one thing that I’m really sure, that God just wants us mentality growing again and again so that one day we could reach His kingdom. For this reason He gives various kinds of educations for us. And the reincarnation is just one of those learning ways. The others are uncountable and each creature, one to another, is experiencing different ways of learning. For me, there is no need to debate those things. There is a time when our parents are forced to say something easily to their children who still can’t be given long explanation yet, so that they will not do bad things, which purpose is to avoid them from trouble. But, whatever the way they give to their children is for sure with a good intention; as well as God to us. What God wants is our understanding that gradually grows of His good intention and our seriousness to respond Him.”

Amazing! Both of them beside me were quiet for quite a while. I felt guilty had been unexpected saying the words “knows everything”, probably they didn’t like with those words.

Me: “My apologize if my words were impolite or made you unpleased.”

(+): “Oh, that’s OK, I’m just still confused musing over these things: heaven, hell, added by sanctification and reality that at the moment I’m living in this world. When will be the end of all of these things?”

Me: “What?? The end???”

(-): “The end is the heaven or hell!”

(+): “I don’t really like the idea of heaven and hell. It was you that said if God is full of forgiveness. How can the one who is very forgiving create that really miserable punishment place while I am who are not like that will never want to be asked to torture the others like that bad? Doesn’t it say that there is no vengeance? What is the hell means if it is not vengeance! These days still using threat, huh! so old-fashioned…! It’s better for me to believe reincarnation than hell.”

(-): “Huush! Be careful, you might be accursed! Perhaps others would assume you as those who follow deviant ideology, which is being popular debated.”

(+): “I just said what I feel. There are heaps of crazier people outside. Think logically, what is wrong with my thought?”

Me: “Ok then, you don’t wanna hell. How about heaven?”

He was in silent for a while before answering.

(+): “It feels dishonest if I say I don’t want heaven. I do want it.”

Me: “Alhamdullilah! At first I was worried that you have great logical thought but do not have heart, thanks be to God if you do. Now I wanna ask again: In your mind, is heaven the end that you want to find?”

He was really confused at that time.

(+): “I don’t know; I just feel that I need a peaceful end.”

Me: “And if one day you found this kind of place, would you stay forever there and wouldn’t go to anywhere else?”

He was just being quiet. Maybe he was imagining the place that he dreamed while thinking about my question.

Me: “Ok, I’ll help you with my experience. One day, far from my country, I was in a place that incredibly beautiful with one of my daughters. An amazing peaceful beach, surrounded by mountains that were also adorable, even the big stones on the beach that I sat onto them were really awesome because of hundreds years abrasion, much more beautiful than a row of suiseki (the Japanese’s art of stone). The giant trees surrounded me were hundreds years old, by far more amazing than those bonsai art. All the artists’ works won’t be able to beat this beauty, all will worth nothing compared to it. All of those things were still added by various kinds of colourful and pretty birds coming to us, and we were really regret that we didn’t bring any food to be given to them because we hadn’t know if it would have been like this so that we crushed our snack that we brought and gave it to them that more and more coming to us, flying from the trees above. All of our snacks were run out and we were laughing so happy. The weather was really fine, the sun didn’t felt humid and the temperature was about 17 Celsius. The more incredible thing is, in that absolutely beautiful place, there were only two of us who enjoying it, no one else at all. That place and the atmosphere did really represent people’s illustration about heaven. “Thanks God that you accompany us to here. Seems that you serve us who had never had plan to come here.” And my joy was increasing after saying those words in silent, aware that God really loves us. But after two hours enjoying all of those things, I really missed my family who at that time were not with us. I also missed all my friends, which we usually gladly assemble, enjoying the time together. Longer and longer, this heaven became nothing without all the people who we love. And implicit feeling in my heart, how happy if we can love as many people as we can and miss them all to be together with me next to God.”

I finished my story that was really happened.

(+): “I’m inspirited by illustration of your experience, and I also feel that now I won’t be able to stay alone forever in the place that I had been dreaming of. I would feel lonely for sure.”

Me: “Yes, the reality would be like that if you were looking for the end. Don’t ever think anymore finding the end of this life, because when reaching there, you would just find a truly death because all the things stop there, no more way that you have to undergo. Heaven is a thing that life, not a death place like many people describe. And hell itself is not exist up there, but uniting with your heart, uniting with your sins. So actually all people have been there.”

(-): “Oh God!!! This is terrible, really very terrible, you really would be considered having a deviant ideology! This is really outside the route!”

(+): “Please continue, I want to listen to your analysis.”

Me: “If you read Apocrypha Book (a book outside Canon Holy Book, which becomes our guide at the moment), you will be scarier reading the illustration about that hell, much scarier than a horror movies! But even though I don't read it, I guarantee that all of those are only the writer’s illusion. The official churches have also finally put those things away. And one day, when these members of religious communities get more mature understanding, the illustration of heaven and hell like nowadays will also have its interpretation developed. Doesn’t mean that the former one is wrong, but as I said before, ‘parents often give easy illustration to their children not to do this or this so that their children who haven’t had any understanding won’t get into trouble’. Later, when their children are growing up, this illustration will be no longer needed. Ok, I will continue about the image of hell that actually has been experienced by all of us. When you commit a great sin to a person, even more a person that you love so much, in your heart there must be a great regret too. This regret will make you suffer, moreover if there are heaps of them. But often someone’s cockiness is able to hide all the regrets and longer and longer he won’t feel regret anymore when he commit a sin, so he easily redo it again and again. But when one’s body becomes so sick, those regrets’ shadow will come up again. And when the body is really gone in a death, only a naked soul is left, so the shadow will have no more place to hide then it causes a horrible woe. That is hell! And this woe is actually because of your own deed, not retaliation from God. What happens next is I don’t know because I haven’t experienced dead yet! Perhaps what you will regret the most is looking at yourself naked and get reality that is completely different from your illusion about yourself, that actually you really often hurt God who loves you, even more when you know that you were aware when you did those sins and now you can’t hide anymore. So may I suggest that from now on let’s us learn to live nakedly, try not to hide our sins from our own awareness and really ask for His forgiveness. We will just like that kid carried by Jesus. So, later when we died, we will get used to see ourselves as we are and won’t be regretting our past time. Really, no one is perfect, but how please if people can see their own imperfectness and try their best to correct it, because God will smile at them and won’t deal about it. My apologies if I have been like preaching. I just want to say the life reality and share with you without having intention to teach anyone because I’m also learning.”

(+): “Interesting. Thank you for that. At least it is more logic. So that’s mean heaven is not the end too?”

Me: “No the end. The end means finish! Even this realm has no end! So always go ahead! Don’t be ever afraid, because your guide is God The Almighty, who always accompanies you since the beginning you were created!”

(+): “One more, how about the statement that says about God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end?”

Me: “It means that God is the one who begins all the things and is the highest limit from all of His creatures. Nothing can override Him. But God Himself will not finish at one point, because if He finishes, all His works and His creatures slowly will finish too. That thing will not happen.”

(+): “Thanks. I now become understand and have spirit to live in this world time to time! So we now “just enjoy” yeah?”

I was laughing. He shook my hand gladly and I responded gladly too.

(-): “????????” (evil thought?????)”

by Sis 1 2 (read: Sis one two)


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