Thursday, February 14, 2008


One day, one of my church friends came to me and asked: Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” So what happen to those people outside Christian who have never known Jesus? Are they all not going to the salvation? A question that I have never thought about before. For a while I was in silent, a bit surprising because I’ve never assumed that there would be such kind of question. Felt too over or whatever is that called, I got to think, what kind of thought he has so that he comes up with this conclusion? But at last, I started to understand the matter and began to answer.
I asked him back: “Has there ever been in a verse in the bible which says that Jesus is the leader of Christian?” That time he was thinking, perhaps trying to find the verse, or maybe presuming where will this conversation go? After a while he finally shook his head, as a signal that means he couldn’t find the verse, although he still said: “But it is very clear that He is the leader of the Christians.” And I said: “Who did appoint him to be the leader of Christian? You all of the Christians or Himself?” He was confused again, but still kept answering:
“It was His followers who crown Him to be like that.”
“So that means it’s not Him who asked for that, right?”
“But He was the one who asked His disciples to spread His commandments.”
“Yes, but He only asked for that, not asking to be the leader for a certain religion.”
“Then, how is this matter related to my question??” asked him peevishly.
“It’s very basic and clear. We must be able to differ wisely between figure Jesus as a teacher whose love for all the people without exception so that in this case He is a universally teacher. On the other hand, Jesus figure that is claimed by His follower as a Christian shepherd. For me, Mahatma Gandhi with his Ahimsa is clearly a really good Jesus’ disciple because he truly does Jesus’ main commandment of love. Even if we want to be more down hearted, there are lots of Christians who are not sure admitted by Jesus as His disciples because of their behaviors that totally against love. Which one is more important for Jesus, their personalities or their clothes?”
“Mmm.., I guess their personalities, but….” He was not continuing his word.
“But why? Are you disappointed because the Christians are not sure if they automatically hold a VIP ticket to Jesus’ Palace?”
He was just quiet, maybe he was wondering about something or probably he wanted to complaint but it’s too hard. Eventually he spoke again,
“If it’s like that, what do we have religion for? What’s the meaning of our pride of Jesus and church so far?”
“Religion is a community but it is not God itself. Making the religion becomes God is the same as making God little, same meaning as you are trying to jail God in a space that you make by yourself, whether it is religion, church, or any other things. But the religion community is still needed in this world. As you can see there are lots of cultural and behavior differences in the society. A group of certain people feel that they can enjoy themselves to be in a certain community. All of them need to be placed in a suitable community so that they can feel getting a perfect place for their activities, including how the way they praise God. It does, in a certain level, someone doesn’t need the religion community anymore. It does not a matter. The main thing is still about how we behave. Coincidentally, we feel the same that we are suitable in Catholic Church. Pardon me, do you know what’s the meaning of Catholic?”
He seemed to be surprised and shook his head. I continued,
“Catholic means PUBLIC. It’s supposed that we feel proud of it because although we are in one same community, the place that we are in has a universal and pretty wide meaning. The main important meaning is that we are not supposed to be alone, separating ourselves from the others, evenmore making ourselves to be the most special among the others. Jesus teaches us to be the salt of the world. How can we do all these things well if we already limit ourselves in a certain space. And also do not forget when Jesus deal with His disciplines about who’s among them is the greatest? So His answer was: ….(you must remember it for sure!)”
This time he seemed to accept it, and hopefully all of you can accept it too.

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