Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tulisan-tulisan di

Semua tulisan di bawah ini telah dipindah ke

Kisah Bunga Bangkai - Amorphophallus Titanum
Kisah Pohon Durian - Durio Zibethinus
Curhat dengan Sri Paduka
Diskusi diantara Para Hamba
Kompasiana Peduli, Wadah Yang Perlu Segera Dibentuk
Kisah Tie Pat Kay (Dewa Babi) dan Sun Go Kong (Dewa Kera)
Paskah, Sebuah Pengorbanan Diri yang Mencerahkan
Negara Pengimpor yang Empuk
Andai Saya Mr. Triliun
Aneka Tips Negara Sehat 1
Aneka Tips Negara Sehat 2
Aneka Tips Negara Sehat 3
Aneka Tips Negara Sehat 4
Slumdog Missioner
Siswa Brilian Hijrah ke Luar Negeri, Bukan Salah Mereka!
Aneka Tipe Perkawinan
Untung Ada Software Bajakan
Mengubah Ketakutan Menjadi Kekuatan
Burung Kakak Tua
Duc in Altum! Bertolaklah ke Tempat yang Dalam!
( Mengembangkan Hidup Sebagai Sebuah Jaringan
Aneka Revolusi yang Sedang Kuncup dan Mekar
Melawan Terorisme, Bukan Soal Takut atau Tidak Takut(
Indonesia, I Love You full!!, Sure!!, Ha..ha..ha..ha..(
Senjata Kita: "Asal Jeplak", Aksi atau Konsep?
Andaikata Noordin M Top Bertobat, Apakah Anda Akan Mengampuni?
Ketika Cinta Tanah Air Mewujud Dalam Aksi
Adam Dan Hawa, Diusir Dari Firdaus Dan Dirindukan Kembali
Ha..ha..ha.., Ternyata Tuhanpun Siap Kita Ajak Gelut!
Tuhan Itu Tidak Adil! Katanya...
Malaikat Pelindung (Guardian Angel)
Badai dan Gempa di Kompasiana

Friday, February 15, 2008


*Published in February 2008

This book tells about a smart life in a planet beyond the Solar System called SMARTA. Technology revolution in Smarta began with the invention of ESSENCE TELESCOPE, a tool that is connected to a monitor so through the monitor it can be seen clearly all the movements and colours of each ESSENCE emitted by every material. Smartan discovered this essence, which is on Earth called AURA, as the IDENTITY of each material. They documented the name of every smallest element of the material using THE LANGUAGE OF COLOUR, so that a colour made by mixing certain percentages of the basic colours cyan, magenta, yellow, and black represents one name essence of one material’s smallest element complete with its characteristic. So far, they have been documenting millions of detectable essence emissions’ meanings. This documentation has resulted a thick encyclopedia of new knowledge in Smarta. It is still being added with the documentation of the next research about all the reactions and the results that possibly happen if those essences are mixed. This research is developing much more complex and detailed compared to human with their chemist and physics knowledge on Earth. The results are also much more amazing compared to those resulted by Earthmen.

Another invention, which is also surprising, is the fact that in this nature there are various kinds of material essences but generally they are still in a low density. The density of that material essence is actually comparable with the potential energy contained in that material. So, the higher level of essence emission density in it, the more potential energy is contained. In further research, Smartan found an amazing fact that a material essence can be absorbed by a media (this media is also a kind of certain essence material), so that its density actually can be arranged, and it means that the potential energy from a smallest element and also the mixed element from a material is possible to be re-arranged, either to be increased or exterminated! The material essence also can react by itself or with another material essence after being passed through a special media. It means that a creation of certain or even new material essence could be possible. That’s how they are finally able to master the techniques to arrange various kinds of essence emission, both by itself as a smallest element and as a combination element of some kinds of material. They also master lots of reactions that could possibly happen between all single elements as well as mixed elements of various kinds materials. They neatly document the results gained from that process of reaction.

Those amazing discoveries and inventions have born an astonishing technology revolution. In medical realm, Smartan discovered a detector that can accurately and really fast detect the source of a disease in human body because all the material essences inside the body are able to tell themselves related to which organ is becoming the cause of the disease. This kind of essence detection is way faster and more accurate compared to the clinical test like those done in the laboratory on Earth. Through this essence detection as well, it would be known what the effect of abnormality essence ray of that organ and how to cure it. Thus most of the Smartan are really healthy. Their knowledge in medicine and medication is developing really fast and accurate. The medication techniques are also having a rapid progress especially the substitution technique to neutralize or eliminate the essence that could damage human health. Thus, Smartan can even fight every kind of cancer with very high scientific certainty.

Products resulted by Physics Essence being developed on Planet Smarta are also absolutely sophisticated. One of them is a tool used for infusing a liquid into someone’s body. If on Earth we know an infuser is used to flow nutrition in the form of liquid needed by a patient so that he or she can get enough food and nutrition, on Planet Smarta the tool is used for the same purpose by emitting certain essence to the body. This essence will then be absorbed by blood essence as its mediator, so that from the process of absorption, the body gets the nutrition needed. The function is exactly the same with eating a meal, and moreover they can choose the meal desired with sufficient amount. So the Smartan can either eat with this infusion way or just eat the meal as usual. Usually they use the infusion way when exploring the space. It must be very unpractical if they have to bring lots of food supply that easily spoiled while exploring the space. Thus, essence infusion is the most practical and a very useful alternative. This method has been developed becoming more complex related to the production of daily food, such as: You need a glass of wine but there is only a glass of water. Don’t worry. Just emit the wine essence from the tool to the water and in no second the water will turn into wine! Not a glass of grape syrup, but a pure wine, truly wine which level of quality can be arranged just as what you like! You can make any kind of juice just with the water in your dispenser! (Sorry, perhaps some of you remember the miracle of Jesus in the city of Kana when he turned the water into wine. It was a really easy matter for Him, because a trained mind is able to create many wonder, including absorbing the essence spread in this universe and emit it back to the object desired, moreover if it comes from God The Almighty! In Smarta, training the mind’s power is a common thing. Thus there are many supernatural people there.)

Nowadays for the Smartan experts, it is not a really difficult matter to detect planets’ essence in the galaxy and conclude those unanswered questions such as: Where are those planets in which having a life? What does a star contain? All become clear and sure through their giant essence telescopes that they set in their planet, beyond the space, and in other planets that have also become their new second homes.

In the Essences Mechanical Technology area, which observes the essences of movement and potential energy, is having a marvelous progress as well. First thing that they saw was that the essence of energy is only a result that so easily disappears. So fast so that it has no print at all, way faster than the heat essences energy. So it is impossible to produce a device that is able to keep a ready to use energy essences. What possibly can be done is creating a device to keep the potential essences energy and then disentangle it into a ready to use energy. These potentials essence energy are so various in kinds, such as from compressed gas essences, disentangled particles adhesiveness essences (like the way how a nuclear bomb explodes), etc. But the most interesting is the potential essences energy that comes out from the minds of living creatures that are able to think! Those minds, especially the trained one, are in fact able to emit potential essences energy and at the same time disentangle it into energy and use the energy for certain purposes. A greater thing is: some of those amazing process can be occur at the same time or in a really short time difference so it seems that they are still happening at the same time. Perhaps it can be compared to someone who is playing a piano or drum while singing. In such condition, the brain is maintaining the coordination of left and right hands, both of the legs and mouth at the same time. It also coordinates the vocal intonation where each of the part is working in a different way but amazingly altogether making a harmonic rhythm.

When they did the next research, a fabulous mystery was also solved. They found a fact that actually in this nature there is potential essence energy that is ready to be turned into kinetic energy, but so far its existence is not concentrated or messily spread so that it doesn’t have any effect to the surrounding environment. Smartan named their new potential essences energy by ULTRA-KINETIC WAVES, due to its ability to be disentangled into kinetic energy after being passed through a special media. After a long tiring period, they were finally succeed to produce a tool for disentangling ultra-kinetic waves into measured and ready to use kinetic energy, and since then the revolution in various industrial and transportation field were begun enthusiastically! So fast their industrial world has totally changed. There is no more fuel or electricity power needed for operating the industrial machines, enough with the technology of essence disentanglement operating those machines without any pollution because they don’t use any fuel! And the revolution also happened in their transportation technology when they joined the essence disentanglement technology with other unbeaten technologies. One of them was related to the invention of MASS-LESS ESSENCE that is also spread in this universe. This mass-less essence that covers the objects in certain density has made that object loosing its mass drastically or even almost totally. So an object that actually has lots of weight, when it is covered by mass-less essence in a certain density, it would be easily flied by a bit kinetic energy from the kinetic essence disentanglement tool. This principle that then resulted a new kind of vehicle in Smarta. No longer needed cars like on Earth, all were changed with flying saucers that fly nicely over the sky without fuel, without noisy and without pollution too! And their most advanced flying saucer is for sure those space flying saucers with the speed of light for exploring this galaxy!

How does the story go after all of these inventions? What do they do after landing on Earth? And how does the story might go if they finally have to introduce themselves to mankind on Earth because of an unpredictable event? Just read this book! Besides you will be entertained with the story, you will also for sure find lots of new things inside, although they’re still just a fiction, a fiction that really possible to happen in reality over the next centuries! Even though this book actually contains a really complicated matter (only in the first chapter of first serial), but it has been written with a simple language that can be understood easily.

Finally, one last thing, which is not less interesting, is that these Planet Smarta series are planned to be the fiction series in the world that the next series can be written by anyone, together with the original writer (or in the future together with the staff chosen after the writer pass away), based on the scientific fiction in the first chapter of this serial and some criteria assigned later by the author together with all the staff. This book series are planned to have no end, accompanying this Earth life to reach its glory. So help yourself to have this book since the first published and keep the collection neatly, either in the form of e-book or hard copy, so that later on they can be a gift for our future generations. The Planet Smarta series will begin to “go public” when the third serial is published, so it gives enough time to correct things that are felt to have weaknesses, which probably have never been thought before. As an ordinary man, for sure there are still lots of imperfections possibly happen, but there was no bad intention at all from the author when began to write this book, instead there is an intention to glorifier human rights together as the creature blessed with intellect and conscience. If there are imperfect plots, dialogues, and other things that are felt inappropriate, please accept our sincere apologies. One thing that is sure: “we love you all and the whole universe, especially our Earth, and above all is God The Almighty!”

Enjoy the reading and welcome to the new science dream world, enjoying the entertainment while on purpose is created to make us think about our existence.

-SIS 1 2-


Thursday, February 14, 2008


One day, one of my church friends came to me and asked: Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” So what happen to those people outside Christian who have never known Jesus? Are they all not going to the salvation? A question that I have never thought about before. For a while I was in silent, a bit surprising because I’ve never assumed that there would be such kind of question. Felt too over or whatever is that called, I got to think, what kind of thought he has so that he comes up with this conclusion? But at last, I started to understand the matter and began to answer.
I asked him back: “Has there ever been in a verse in the bible which says that Jesus is the leader of Christian?” That time he was thinking, perhaps trying to find the verse, or maybe presuming where will this conversation go? After a while he finally shook his head, as a signal that means he couldn’t find the verse, although he still said: “But it is very clear that He is the leader of the Christians.” And I said: “Who did appoint him to be the leader of Christian? You all of the Christians or Himself?” He was confused again, but still kept answering:
“It was His followers who crown Him to be like that.”
“So that means it’s not Him who asked for that, right?”
“But He was the one who asked His disciples to spread His commandments.”
“Yes, but He only asked for that, not asking to be the leader for a certain religion.”
“Then, how is this matter related to my question??” asked him peevishly.
“It’s very basic and clear. We must be able to differ wisely between figure Jesus as a teacher whose love for all the people without exception so that in this case He is a universally teacher. On the other hand, Jesus figure that is claimed by His follower as a Christian shepherd. For me, Mahatma Gandhi with his Ahimsa is clearly a really good Jesus’ disciple because he truly does Jesus’ main commandment of love. Even if we want to be more down hearted, there are lots of Christians who are not sure admitted by Jesus as His disciples because of their behaviors that totally against love. Which one is more important for Jesus, their personalities or their clothes?”
“Mmm.., I guess their personalities, but….” He was not continuing his word.
“But why? Are you disappointed because the Christians are not sure if they automatically hold a VIP ticket to Jesus’ Palace?”
He was just quiet, maybe he was wondering about something or probably he wanted to complaint but it’s too hard. Eventually he spoke again,
“If it’s like that, what do we have religion for? What’s the meaning of our pride of Jesus and church so far?”
“Religion is a community but it is not God itself. Making the religion becomes God is the same as making God little, same meaning as you are trying to jail God in a space that you make by yourself, whether it is religion, church, or any other things. But the religion community is still needed in this world. As you can see there are lots of cultural and behavior differences in the society. A group of certain people feel that they can enjoy themselves to be in a certain community. All of them need to be placed in a suitable community so that they can feel getting a perfect place for their activities, including how the way they praise God. It does, in a certain level, someone doesn’t need the religion community anymore. It does not a matter. The main thing is still about how we behave. Coincidentally, we feel the same that we are suitable in Catholic Church. Pardon me, do you know what’s the meaning of Catholic?”
He seemed to be surprised and shook his head. I continued,
“Catholic means PUBLIC. It’s supposed that we feel proud of it because although we are in one same community, the place that we are in has a universal and pretty wide meaning. The main important meaning is that we are not supposed to be alone, separating ourselves from the others, evenmore making ourselves to be the most special among the others. Jesus teaches us to be the salt of the world. How can we do all these things well if we already limit ourselves in a certain space. And also do not forget when Jesus deal with His disciplines about who’s among them is the greatest? So His answer was: ….(you must remember it for sure!)”
This time he seemed to accept it, and hopefully all of you can accept it too.


Two parishioners next to me were enthusiastically debating. The problem was: reincarnation! The one (+) was obstinate that reincarnation does happen. The proof given was unmitigated: Jesus Himself incarnated becoming a man, so that is called incarnation! Another one (-) said that the event happened because He is a God who can turn into whatever He wants. Our religion did firmly say that after the death there is only either heaven or hell! The debating became more and more interesting:

(+): “Gosh, it is inconceivable if these so many people were only given two places: heaven or hell? Then if the person is partly good and partly bad, where would he be put into?”

(-): “Enter to the sanctification.”

(+): “That’s mean there are three places, not two! Then how does the sanctification look like?”

(-): “Like a place where we are waiting the final judgement while learning, just like this world but without real body.”

(+): “Gosh…, where does that theory come from? I am in the same Catholic Church as you but have never been taught like that! Probably you just make the things up! What is wrong if those in the sanctification are sent back to this world with new body, which is more suitable with his conduct when he was still alive in this world: Those corruptors who still can be forgiven could be turned into mice, those who were greedy should be turned into a pig, those who were a bit better but had ever fallen in great sin could be turned into man again who has better position and life as well as a place that more possible for him to learn better?”

(-): “Oh God!!! That is more unbelievable! That’s really in contradiction with God The Lover who really loves His creatures! How can people become a mouse, pig, and kinds of animals? They should just stay in that sanctification, don’t need to go anywhere, learn again and again until they pass, experience joy and sorrow too.”

(+): “You are so weird! Perhaps you did use to stay in that place and were reincarnated so thus you really understand that realm, and it makes me becoming surer that there is reincarnation.”

(-): “Whatever! In my opinion, there is no reincarnation!”

And then they stopped, having no clue. Suddenly, the one who agreed with reincarnation looked at me and asked:

(+): ”What do you think?”

Because being asked, I answered.

Me: “I am the one who “just enjoy”. It means: If someone feels that he was a monkey like in the theory of evolution (Darwinism), then he is now being grateful to be able to do “chatting” and “surfing” via internet with sophisticated laptop in cafes, and with the full awareness he gives his best effort to do anything well so that later after his death he could be lifted up becoming one of the gods, so that reincarnation is a good thing for him.”

(+): “That’s mean you are agree with reincarnation.”

Me: “Not that that I mean.”

(+): “Hey.., don’t be inconsistent, man.”

Me: “Not like that too. I just don’t want to be the one who “knows everything”, because I do don’t know who were I am in the past? And actually I do not know: what kind of life after the death? I just believe with one thing that I’m really sure, that God just wants us mentality growing again and again so that one day we could reach His kingdom. For this reason He gives various kinds of educations for us. And the reincarnation is just one of those learning ways. The others are uncountable and each creature, one to another, is experiencing different ways of learning. For me, there is no need to debate those things. There is a time when our parents are forced to say something easily to their children who still can’t be given long explanation yet, so that they will not do bad things, which purpose is to avoid them from trouble. But, whatever the way they give to their children is for sure with a good intention; as well as God to us. What God wants is our understanding that gradually grows of His good intention and our seriousness to respond Him.”

Amazing! Both of them beside me were quiet for quite a while. I felt guilty had been unexpected saying the words “knows everything”, probably they didn’t like with those words.

Me: “My apologize if my words were impolite or made you unpleased.”

(+): “Oh, that’s OK, I’m just still confused musing over these things: heaven, hell, added by sanctification and reality that at the moment I’m living in this world. When will be the end of all of these things?”

Me: “What?? The end???”

(-): “The end is the heaven or hell!”

(+): “I don’t really like the idea of heaven and hell. It was you that said if God is full of forgiveness. How can the one who is very forgiving create that really miserable punishment place while I am who are not like that will never want to be asked to torture the others like that bad? Doesn’t it say that there is no vengeance? What is the hell means if it is not vengeance! These days still using threat, huh! so old-fashioned…! It’s better for me to believe reincarnation than hell.”

(-): “Huush! Be careful, you might be accursed! Perhaps others would assume you as those who follow deviant ideology, which is being popular debated.”

(+): “I just said what I feel. There are heaps of crazier people outside. Think logically, what is wrong with my thought?”

Me: “Ok then, you don’t wanna hell. How about heaven?”

He was in silent for a while before answering.

(+): “It feels dishonest if I say I don’t want heaven. I do want it.”

Me: “Alhamdullilah! At first I was worried that you have great logical thought but do not have heart, thanks be to God if you do. Now I wanna ask again: In your mind, is heaven the end that you want to find?”

He was really confused at that time.

(+): “I don’t know; I just feel that I need a peaceful end.”

Me: “And if one day you found this kind of place, would you stay forever there and wouldn’t go to anywhere else?”

He was just being quiet. Maybe he was imagining the place that he dreamed while thinking about my question.

Me: “Ok, I’ll help you with my experience. One day, far from my country, I was in a place that incredibly beautiful with one of my daughters. An amazing peaceful beach, surrounded by mountains that were also adorable, even the big stones on the beach that I sat onto them were really awesome because of hundreds years abrasion, much more beautiful than a row of suiseki (the Japanese’s art of stone). The giant trees surrounded me were hundreds years old, by far more amazing than those bonsai art. All the artists’ works won’t be able to beat this beauty, all will worth nothing compared to it. All of those things were still added by various kinds of colourful and pretty birds coming to us, and we were really regret that we didn’t bring any food to be given to them because we hadn’t know if it would have been like this so that we crushed our snack that we brought and gave it to them that more and more coming to us, flying from the trees above. All of our snacks were run out and we were laughing so happy. The weather was really fine, the sun didn’t felt humid and the temperature was about 17 Celsius. The more incredible thing is, in that absolutely beautiful place, there were only two of us who enjoying it, no one else at all. That place and the atmosphere did really represent people’s illustration about heaven. “Thanks God that you accompany us to here. Seems that you serve us who had never had plan to come here.” And my joy was increasing after saying those words in silent, aware that God really loves us. But after two hours enjoying all of those things, I really missed my family who at that time were not with us. I also missed all my friends, which we usually gladly assemble, enjoying the time together. Longer and longer, this heaven became nothing without all the people who we love. And implicit feeling in my heart, how happy if we can love as many people as we can and miss them all to be together with me next to God.”

I finished my story that was really happened.

(+): “I’m inspirited by illustration of your experience, and I also feel that now I won’t be able to stay alone forever in the place that I had been dreaming of. I would feel lonely for sure.”

Me: “Yes, the reality would be like that if you were looking for the end. Don’t ever think anymore finding the end of this life, because when reaching there, you would just find a truly death because all the things stop there, no more way that you have to undergo. Heaven is a thing that life, not a death place like many people describe. And hell itself is not exist up there, but uniting with your heart, uniting with your sins. So actually all people have been there.”

(-): “Oh God!!! This is terrible, really very terrible, you really would be considered having a deviant ideology! This is really outside the route!”

(+): “Please continue, I want to listen to your analysis.”

Me: “If you read Apocrypha Book (a book outside Canon Holy Book, which becomes our guide at the moment), you will be scarier reading the illustration about that hell, much scarier than a horror movies! But even though I don't read it, I guarantee that all of those are only the writer’s illusion. The official churches have also finally put those things away. And one day, when these members of religious communities get more mature understanding, the illustration of heaven and hell like nowadays will also have its interpretation developed. Doesn’t mean that the former one is wrong, but as I said before, ‘parents often give easy illustration to their children not to do this or this so that their children who haven’t had any understanding won’t get into trouble’. Later, when their children are growing up, this illustration will be no longer needed. Ok, I will continue about the image of hell that actually has been experienced by all of us. When you commit a great sin to a person, even more a person that you love so much, in your heart there must be a great regret too. This regret will make you suffer, moreover if there are heaps of them. But often someone’s cockiness is able to hide all the regrets and longer and longer he won’t feel regret anymore when he commit a sin, so he easily redo it again and again. But when one’s body becomes so sick, those regrets’ shadow will come up again. And when the body is really gone in a death, only a naked soul is left, so the shadow will have no more place to hide then it causes a horrible woe. That is hell! And this woe is actually because of your own deed, not retaliation from God. What happens next is I don’t know because I haven’t experienced dead yet! Perhaps what you will regret the most is looking at yourself naked and get reality that is completely different from your illusion about yourself, that actually you really often hurt God who loves you, even more when you know that you were aware when you did those sins and now you can’t hide anymore. So may I suggest that from now on let’s us learn to live nakedly, try not to hide our sins from our own awareness and really ask for His forgiveness. We will just like that kid carried by Jesus. So, later when we died, we will get used to see ourselves as we are and won’t be regretting our past time. Really, no one is perfect, but how please if people can see their own imperfectness and try their best to correct it, because God will smile at them and won’t deal about it. My apologies if I have been like preaching. I just want to say the life reality and share with you without having intention to teach anyone because I’m also learning.”

(+): “Interesting. Thank you for that. At least it is more logic. So that’s mean heaven is not the end too?”

Me: “No the end. The end means finish! Even this realm has no end! So always go ahead! Don’t be ever afraid, because your guide is God The Almighty, who always accompanies you since the beginning you were created!”

(+): “One more, how about the statement that says about God is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end?”

Me: “It means that God is the one who begins all the things and is the highest limit from all of His creatures. Nothing can override Him. But God Himself will not finish at one point, because if He finishes, all His works and His creatures slowly will finish too. That thing will not happen.”

(+): “Thanks. I now become understand and have spirit to live in this world time to time! So we now “just enjoy” yeah?”

I was laughing. He shook my hand gladly and I responded gladly too.

(-): “????????” (evil thought?????)”

by Sis 1 2 (read: Sis one two)



Have a look at Isaiah 2:3. It is said “Zion”, the hill of Jerusalem, is “the mountain of the Lord” because from this city was born a creed that brings this world to the peace. That creed is at least currently brought by the two big religions in this world: Christian and Moslem. So, inherently, the reality that happened was true. As long as the word “Jerusalem” itself is presumed to come from the word “U-ru-sa-lim” that exist in “Tell-el-Amarna” manuscript (1400 BC) and has a meaning as “Salim City” (Peace City). But there is another reality that accuses each other with the first one: The areas around Jerusalem are those that involve lots in physical war from the old age until the time being! Two realities that in the same time are accusing each other. What does it mean? It means that we have to separate clearly between “what is occupied by God” and “what is occupied by man”. “Zion” occupied by God is “Zion” that brings peace, and “Zion” occupied by man is another “Zion”, that not known when it’s going to be peace.

My brothers and sisters that I love, when we read the bible we often find many sentences (in this matter I called it “symbolic”) that can’t be interpreted directly like that. And because of the huge number of people, so it is not surprising if the interpretations that come up are also vary, from the “wise” one to the “false” one. Our brother, the communist, has been really annoyed looking at those religious people’s behaviors who tend to do mystical thing than a real one. For instance, in a poor and suffer condition, they only pray again and again instead of doing something that can make their life better! So when can they get better? As the result, come out the words like: “Religion is a social addiction! Has to be destructed! Bring people into day-dreaming and make them live in unrealistic world! So initially, what they see is partly correct: many religious people are behaving “inappropriately”. But practically, those communist are too over because they are too overactive destroying other people. Moreover, supported by their power and army, they destroy all kind of religious services without any mercy. And because of that spirit, they have insensibly treated all God’s creatures like a clay that can be formed as they want. At the end, the time will prove all. “What comes from God will be eternal” and “what comes from man will be extinct”. So that is the history that always happens again and again to the people on Earth. Sometimes to get a “pearl” in our life, people have to sacrifice lots of important things with unmeasured value. Mistake by mistake verifies them. Because of that, happy all those who can get that “pearl” easily and in peace, and those are people who read the bible with their true heart, thought, and observation to the existed reality so that the holy spirit is willing to show the righteousness implicit.

There is a good example to show how a different interpretation affects a reader’s behavior. We took one of the sentences that is so famous in the bible, which is in a prayer thought by Jesus: “So be Your will Father, on Earth as in heaven”. This sentence we observe together with: “At the end of time, God will come in His glory and covered in clouds of heaven, and so on….”. Interpreting these two sentences, Christians will straightaway divide themselves into two big groups:

The first group is the mysticism, which are those people who say lots of prayers everyday while “seriously closing their eyes” but never do anything in action to make this Earth to be as in heaven in the future. What they think is: “Isn’t that God can just say hey presto, so that in no second this Earth will be the same as in heaven! Why do we have to put ourselves in trouble instead of just believe it, and done, isn’t that easy? Moreover it is clearly said that God will come in the clouds of heaven! Sorting those true and false people. So why do we need to have a hand in? Just let God’s will happens.”

The second group is the realistic-religious. These people are aware that our Earth has millions years of age and during this time the glory of man is only reach its current level. Need a really long time to make this Earth to be as in heaven. How long will it be is depending on our role to take a hand in. So if there are people who say that the end of world will happen soon just because lots lots of disasters, that are words without any basis and reasonable context, seen from how hard our Earth has been doing evolution to reach its glory that God wants. That is false prophets’ bullshit. God wants to make this earth as in heaven is because for us, not for Himself. And it is impossible that heaven is fulfilled by those who just want all the things done in hey presto without having to do anything. And it is also impossible that God will destroy this Earth at once while it is still fighting to reach its glory and has been shuffling for millions of years. Even God has sent His beloved Son to hasten this process. For that reason, this group is aware: “Don’t just mumbling saying lots of prayers everyday, instead let us fight for it together with God the Almighty”.

My brothers and sisters, which group are you in? Just forget your past if you feel that you were in the first group and let us live in the second group. Why like that? Because our faith is clear: “Jesus is both God and a man, not just God who can say “leviosa” and please all Harry Potter fans (famous figure in magic fiction). I know God is glorious. And He also wants us to be glorious, until He willed to incarnate become a man to look after us, directly meet us who smeared all over the messiness to lead us to the right way in this Earth that is still far from its glory.” You have to believe that we will not reach that glory in a second, even it is needed a really hard work to contribute all of our best ability that God has given to us: intellect, good physical condition, nice family, and hopefully our country that will get better and better, and many other good things. “Earth as it is in heaven” will not happen if the mysticism people are always more that realistic-religious, even more added by anarchism, terrorism, imperialism, etc, that harass the human glory itself. Let us be more realistic and not too much dreaming. For every little thing that we contribute, we should do it with the spirit of serving for our beloved Earth.


Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Telah terbit dalam 2 bahasa, Indonesia (berupa buku cetak) & Inggris (berupa e-book)

Buku ini mengisahkan tentang kehidupan cerdas di luar tata surya, di sebuah planet bernama SMARTA. Revolusi teknologi di Smarta diawali dengan ditemukannya TEROPONG ESENSI, sebuah alat yang dihubungkan dengan monitor dan mampu melihat dengan jelas semua gerak dan warna dari setiap ESENSI yang dipancarkan oleh setiap materi. ESENSI MATERI yang di Bumi disebut AURA, diketahui oleh bangsa Smarta ternyata merupakan IDENTITAS dari setiap materi. Mereka mendokumentasikan arti PANCARAN ESENSI dari setiap unsur terkecil materi menggunakan BAHASA WARNA, sehingga satu warna yang merupakan campuran persentase dari warna dasar biru, merah, kuning dan hitam (“Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black”, seperti warna dasar dalam printer) mewakili satu nama Esensi dari satu jenis unsur terkecil materi lengkap dengan sifat yang dibawanya. Dengan demikian mereka telah mendokumentasikan jutaan arti pancaran esensi materi yang bisa dideteksi. Dokumentasi itu telah menjadi kamus tebal referensi ilmu pengetahuan baru di Planet Smarta. Dokumen itu masih bertambah terus dengan dokumen hasil penelitian lanjutan tentang reaksi-reaksi yang dapat terjadi antar unsur-unsur terkecil dari materi yang berlainan dan hasil yang diperoleh dari reaksi-reaksi itu. Penelitian itu berkembang jauh lebih komplek, lebih ruwet dan lebih detail dibandingkan dengan pengetahuan manusia Bumi tentang ilmu kimia dan fisika yang ada selama ini. Hasil yang mereka dapatkanpun jauh lebih menakjubkan dibandingkan dengan hasil pencapaian manusia Bumi dengan ilmu kimia dan fisikanya.
Penemuan lain yang mengejutkan adalah kenyataan bahwa di angkasa raya bebas ini tersedia berbagai jenis esensi materi namun umumnya berkerapatan rendah. Kerapatan esensi materi itu ternyata sebanding dengan kekuatan potensial yang terkandung di dalam materi tersebut. Jadi semakin tinggi tingkat kerapatan pancaran esensinya, maka semakin besar enersi potensial yang terkandung di dalam materi tersebut. Dalam penelitian berikutnya bangsa Smarta menemukan kenyataan lain yang juga sangat spektakuler, bahwa esensi materi dapat diserap oleh sebuah mediator (mediator ini juga jenis esensi materi tertentu) sehingga kerapatan esensi suatu jenis materi sebenarnya dapat diatur, dan itu berarti bahwa kekuatan potensial unsur terkecil maupun unsur gabungan dari suatu jenis materi sebenarnya dapat diatur pula, baik ditingkatkan atau dilenyapkan! Esensi dapat pula bereaksi sendiri dengan esensi yang lain dan dapat pula diubah menjadi esensi tertentu lainnya setelah dilewatkan melalui suatu mediator tertentu, sehingga penciptaan esensi tertentu atau baru adalah memungkinkan. Begitulah akhirnya mereka mampu menguasai berbagai teknik pengaturan berbagai pancaran esensi materi, baik secara sendiri-sendiri sebagai unsur terkecil yang berdiri sendiri, atau sebagai unsur yang sudah berupa gabungan dari beberapa macam unsur materi. Mereka juga menguasai banyak sekali reaksi-reaksi yang dapat terjadi diantara semua unsur tunggal maupun unsur gabungan dari berbagai jenis materi dan mendokumentasikan berbagai hasil yang diperoleh dari proses reaksi tersebut.
Penemuan-penemuan yang menakjubkan itu telah melahirkan revolusi teknologi yang sangat mencengangkan. Dalam dunia kesehatan mereka menemukan alat deteksi secara cepat dan akurat untuk menemukan sumber penyakit di dalam tubuh, karena semua esensi dalam tubuh melalui pancaran esensinya dapat bercerita sendiri tentang bagian mana dari elemen tubuh yang menjadi sumber penyakit. Deteksi esensi ini jauh lebih cepat dan akurat dibandingkan dengan uji klinis melalui laboratorium seperti yang ada di bumi saat ini. Melalui deteksi esensi tersebut dapat diketahui pula apa akibat dari kelainan pancaran esensi bagian tubuh yang sakit tersebut dan bagaimana cara mengobatinya, sehingga masyarakat Smarta adalah masyarakat yang amat sangat sehat. Ilmu tentang obat dan pengobatan berkembang dengan pesat dan akurat. Teknik-teknik pengobatan juga berkembang pesat, terutama teknik substitusi esensi untuk menetralisir atau meniadakan sama sekali esensi yang mengganggu kesehatan. Mereka akhirnya dapat memerangi berbagai jenis kanker dengan kepastian ilmiah yang sangat tinggi.
Produk yang dihasilkan oleh ilmu Fisika Esensi yang berkembang di Planet Smarta juga sangat canggih. Salah satunya adalah alat infus esensi ke tubuh. Jika di Bumi dikenal cairan infus untuk mengalirkan nutrisi yang dibutuhkan seseorang dalam keadaan sakit sehingga orang tersebut mendapat cukup masukan makanan dan nutrisi lainnya yang dibutuhkan oleh tubuh, maka infus esensi di Planet Smarta adalah proses mengirim makanan dan nutrisi-nutrisi lainnya ke dalam tubuh melalui pemancaran esensi tertentu dari sebuah alat pemancar esensi yang mereka ciptakan dan pancarannya diarahkan ke tubuh. Esensi yang dipancarkan ini akan diserap oleh esensi darah yang berfungsi sebagai mediatornya, sehingga dari proses penyerapan itu tubuh memperoleh nutrisi yang dibutuhkannya. Fungsinya sama persis dengan memberi makanan ke tubuh, bahkan makanan pilihan dengan ukuran secukupnya. Jadi penduduk Smarta bisa makan dengan cara itu atau makan dengan cara biasa. Umumnya infus esensi ini mereka pakai ketika sedang menjelajahi angkasa raya. Tentunya sangat repot membawa macam-macam makanan yang gampang rusak ketika sedang mengarungi jagad-raya. Infus esensi adalah alternatif yang sangat praktis dan berguna. Metode infus esensi ini juga berkembang menjadi sangat komplek dalam penciptaan makanan khusus sehari-hari, seperti misalnya: Anda butuh anggur tetapi yang ada hanya air putih? Jangan kawatir. Pancarkan saja esensi anggur dari alatnya ke arah air putih tersebut, dalam sekejap air putih akan berubah menjadi anggur! bukan sirup anggur, tetapi anggur murni, benar-benar anggur dengan kadar yang bisa anda atur semaunya! Anda bisa membuat “juice” apapun juga dengan modal bermacam-macam esensi yang telah tersedia di dispenser esensi anda! (Ma’af, mungkin anda teringat mujijat Jesus di kota Kana ketika Beliau mengubah air menjadi anggur? Itu adalah hal yang sangat mudah buat Beliau, karena pikiran yang terlatih memang bisa mendatangkan banyak keajaiban, termasuk menyerap esensi yang tersebar di alam dan memancarkannya kembali ke tujuan yang dikehendakinya, apalagi jika kemampuan yang ada itu datang dari Kuasa Allah! Di Planet Smarta, olah pikiran juga telah menjadi semacam olah raga yang menjamur, maka banyak pula orang super di sana.)
Sekarang bagi para ahli di Smarta bukanlah merupakan hal yang terlalu sulit untuk mendeteksi esensi planet-planet dalam galaksi dan menyimpulkan macam-macam persoalan yang tak terjawabkan sebelumnya: Di mana saja planet yang memiliki kehidupan di dalamnya?, Apa yang terkandung dalam sebuah bintang? Semua menjadi jelas dan pasti lewat teropong esensi raksasa yang mereka pasang di planetnya, di angkasa raya dan di planet-planet lain yang juga telah menjadi tempat-tempat tinggal mereka yang baru.
Di bagian Teknologi Mekanika Esensi yang mempelajari esensi gerak dan gaya, juga mengalami kemajuan yang sangat menakjubkan. Pertama yang mereka lihat adalah, bahwa esensi gaya itu hanyalah akibat yang mudah sekali lenyap. Begitu cepatnya dia lenyap tak berbekas, jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan mengurainya esensi enersi panas di alam bebas, sehingga tidaklah mungkin memproduksi alat yang menyimpan esensi gaya yang siap pakai. Yang mungkin dilakukan adalah menciptakan alat yang menyimpan esensi potensi gaya dan kemudian menguraikannya menjadi gaya yang siap pakai melalui suatu mediator tertentu. Esensi potensi gaya itu banyak sekali sumbernya, seperti misalnya dari esensi gas yang dimampatkan, dari esensi daya rekat partikel yang diuraikan (seperti proses yang terjadi dalam ledakan bom atom), dsb. Tetapi yang paling menarik adalah esensi potensi gaya yang keluar dari pikiran mahluk yang dapat berpikir! Pikiran tersebut, apalagi yang terlatih, ternyata dapat memancarkan esensi potensi gaya sekaligus dapat menguraikannya menjadi gaya dan memanfaatkannya untuk suatu tujuan tertentu. Yang lebih hebat lagi adalah: bahwa beberapa proses kerja luar biasa yang terjadi di dalam otak tersebut dapat berlangsung bersamaan atau dalam jeda waktu yang sangat-sangat singkat maka terlihat bersamaan. Mungkin ini bisa diibaratkan dengan seseorang yang sedang bermain piano atau drum sambil bernyanyi. Dalam hal ini otak sekaligus mengatur koordinasi tangan kiri-kanan, kaki kiri–kanan dan mulut serta intonasi vokal yang semuanya bekerja secara berlainan tetapi toh menghasilkan irama bersama yang teratur. Ketika mereka mengadakan penelitian yang lebih jauh lagi, terkuaklah misteri yang sangat menakjubkan. Mereka menemukan kenyataan bahwa di alam ini sebenarnya tersedia esensi potensi gaya yang siap diubah secara langsung menjadi gaya kinetik (gaya gerak), tetapi keberadaannya selama ini tidak terkonsentrasi atau tersebar secara acak sehingga tidak menimbulkan efek bagi lingkungan sekitarnya. Mereka kemudian menamakan esensi penemuannya itu dengan nama GELOMBANG ULTRA KINETIK mengingat kemampuan esensi tersebut untuk dapat diurai secara langsung menjadi gaya kinetik (gaya gerak yang dapat menggerakkan benda-benda) setelah dilewatkan dalam suatu mediator tertentu. Lewat waktu yang panjang dan melelahkan, akhirnya mereka berhasil memproduksi alat untuk menguraikan gelombang ultra kinetik menjadi gaya kinetik yang terukur dan siap pakai, dan sejak itulah revolusi di berbagai bidang industri dan transportasi dimulai dengan gegap gempita! Secara sangat cepat dunia industri mereka berubah total. Tak perlu lagi bahan bakar minyak atau listrik untuk menggerakkan mesin-mesin industri, cukup sebuah teknologi pengurai esensi gelombang ultra kinetik yang menggantikannya; yang menjalankan mesin-mesin itu tanpa polusi karena tanpa bahan bakar! Dan revolusi juga terjadi dalam dunia transportasi mereka, ketika mereka menggabungkan teknologi pengurai esensi gelombang ultra kinetik itu dengan teknologi lain yang tak kalah mencengangkannya. Teknologi lain itu berkaitan dengan penemuan ESENSI NIRMASSA (nirmassa = tanpa massa) yang juga banyak tersebar di alam raya. Esensi nirmassa yang mengurung suatu benda dalam kerapatan tertentu ternyata dapat membuat benda tersebut kehilangan bobot(massa)nya secara drastis, bahkan bisa sampai mendekati nol yang artinya membuat benda tersebut hampir kehilangan total massanya. Jadi sebuah benda yang sebenarnya berat ketika dikurung oleh esensi nirmassa dengan kerapatan tertentu ternyata dengan gampang bisa digerakkan oleh sedikit gaya gerak yang dihasilkan dari alat pengurai esensi gelombang ultra kinetik. Prinsip inilah yang kemudian melahirkan kendaraan-kendaraan transportasi baru di jagad Planet Smarta. Tak diperlukan lagi banyak mobil seperti di Bumi, semua diganti dengan piring-piring terbang yang dapat melenggang dengan enaknya di langit Smarta tanpa suara dan tanpa polusi karena tanpa dengungan suara mesin dan tanpa bahan bakar! Dan pesawat luar angkasa mereka yang tercanggih tentu saja piring-piring terbang yang dapat melaju dengan kecepatan cahaya untuk mengarungi jagad raya!
Bagaimana kelanjutan dari semua kemajuan ini? Apa yang mereka lakukan setelah datang ke Bumi? Dan bagaimana akhirnya jika mereka terpaksa harus memperkenalkan diri kepada manusia Bumi karena suatu peristiwa yang tak terduga sebelumnya? Baca buku Kisah Planet Smarta ini, disamping anda akan terhibur dengan kisahnya, anda pasti menemukan banyak hal baru terselip di dalamnya, meski masih sebatas khayalan; sebuah khayalan yang mungkin sekali menjadi kenyataan di abad-abad mendatang! Biarpun buku ini menyangkut hal-hal yang sebenarnya sangat rumit (hanya di bab I buku pertama ini), tetapi penulisannya telah diusahakan dengan bahasa yang sederhana dan mudah untuk dimengerti.
Dan hal yang tak kalah menariknya adalah, bahwa serial Planet Smarta direncanakan untuk menjadi cerita fiksi yang kelanjutan serialnya dapat ditulis oleh siapa saja bekerja sama dengan penulis aslinya (atau kelak dengan staf penggantinya setelah penulisnya wafat) berdasarkan “rekaan ilmiah” yang terdapat di bab I buku pertama serial ini dan kriteria-kriteria lain yang akan ditentukan kemudian oleh penciptanya bersama dengan staf yang ditunjuknya. Serial buku ini direncanakan untuk terus hadir menemani perjalanan hidup dunia ini meraih kemuliaannya. Maka milikilah buku ini sejak dari awal dan simpanlah koleksinya dengan rapi, entah berupa buku cetak atau buku elektroniknya sehingga dapat anda kumpulkan secara berurutan dalam sebuah alat penyimpan file elektronik dan menjadi kado turun-temurun bagi generasi mendatang. Kisah Planet Smarta akan mulai “Go Public” pada saat serial ketiga diluncurkan, sehingga memberi waktu yang cukup untuk membenahi hal-hal yang dikemudian hari dirasakan mengandung kekurangan-kekurangan yang tak terpikirkan sebelumnya. Sebagai manusia biasa tentu banyak kekurangan-kekurangan yang bisa terjadi, tetapi tidak ada niat buruk sedikitpun dalam diri penciptanya ketika mengawali penulisan buku ini, bahkan sebaliknya, terbersit niat untuk ikut memberi arah positif bagi perkembangan kemajuan kita bersama secara fisik maupun spiritual di masa-masa mendatang. Jika ada plot cerita, dialog-dialog yang tidak sempurna, dan lain-lain lagi yang kurang berkenan, maka dengan segala kerendahan hati, pencipta dan seluruh staf yang terlibat di dalam penerbitan buku ini sebagai buku cetak dan buku elektronik, memohon ma’af sebelumnya. Satu hal yang sudah pasti: “kami mencintai anda semua dan seluruh jagad raya ini, khususnya Bumi, dan tentu saja di atas segalanya: Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa!”.
Selamat membaca dan selamat datang di dunia “mimpi ilmiah” yang baru, menikmati hiburan yang sengaja diciptakan sambil memikirkan eksistensi kita sendiri. (SIS 1 2)


Cobalah simak Yesaya 2. Di situ disebutkan “Zion” (Nama salah satu Bukit tempat kota Yerusalem berada) adalah “pusat kerajaan damai” karena dari sanalah lahir ajaran yang akan membawa dunia ini ke jalan perdamaian. Ajaran dari sana itu setidaknya dibawa oleh dua agama besar dunia saat ini, yaitu: Kristen dan Islam. Jadi secara “inheren” (melekat di dalamnya), realita yang terjadi adalah benar apa adanya. Asal kata “Yerusalem” sendiri diduga berasal dari kata “U-ru-sa-lim” yang terdapat dalam naskah “Tell-el-Amarna” (1400 SM) dan memiliki arti “Kota Salim” atau “Kota Damai” Tetapi ada kenyataan lain yang sangat bertolak belakang dengan yang pertama: Wilayah sekitar Yerusalem adalah wilayah yang paling banyak terlibat perang fisik dari jaman dahulu sampai sekarang!”. Dua kenyataan sekaligus yang bertolak belakang sama sekali. Apa artinya ini? Artinya adalah kita harus memisahkan secara jelas antara “apa yang diduduki oleh Allah” dan “apa yang diduduki oleh manusia”. “Zion” yang diduduki oleh Allah adalah “Zion” yang membawa damai, dan “Zion” yang diduduki oleh manusia adalah zion yang lainnya, yang entah kapan damainya.
Saudara seiman yang saya kasihi, membaca kitab suci seringkali menemukan banyak kalimat-kalimat (dalam hal ini saya sebut) “simbolik” yang tidak bisa diartikan lurus begitu saja. Dan karena manusia ini jumlahnya banyak, maka sangat tidak aneh kalau tafsiran yang muncul itu biasnya juga beraneka ragam, mulai dari yang bijak sampai yang “gombal”. Saudara kita, kaum Komunis, sampai kesal melihat tingkah polah orang-orang beragama yang lebih cenderung berbuat mistis daripada realistis: dalam keadaan miskin dan menderita bukannya berbuat sesuatu yang bisa mengangkat derajat hidupnya, ee…malahan berdo’a terus seharian! Lha..kapan mau memperbaiki keadaan? Alhasil keluarlah kemarahan mereka: “Agama adalah candu rakyat!, harus diganyang!, bikin orang teler dan tidak realistis!”. Jadi awalnya, apa yang dilihat orang komunis itu ada benarnya: Banyak orang beragama yang berlaku “gombal”. Tetapi dalam prakteknya ternyata kaum komunis kebablasan karena kelewat bersemangat main ganyang terus. Didukung oleh kekuasaan dan tentara, mereka membabat habis segala bentuk ibadat agama tanpa ampun. Karena semangat itu pula, mereka tidak sadar telah memperlakukan mahluk ciptaan Tuhan seperti “tanah liat” yang bisa mereka bentuk sesuka hatinya. Akhirnya waktulah yang menguji segalanya. “Apa yang datang dari Allah akan abadi” dan “Apa yang datang dari manusi akan musnah”. Itulah sejarah yang terus berulang dalam kehidupan manusia di dunia ini. Kadang untuk mendapatkan “mutiara” dalam kehidupan, manusia harus melalui pengorbanan yang luar biasa besarnya dengan harga yang benar-benar amat sangat mahal. Kesalahan demi kesalahan menguji semua itu. Oleh sebab itu, berbahagialah orang yang bisa mendapatkan “mutiara” itu dengan cara yang mudah dan damai, dan itu adalah orang-orang yang membaca kitab suci dengan segenap hati, pikiran, dan pengamatannya terhadap realita yang ada, sehingga roh kudus berkenan menunjukkan kebenaran yang terkandung di dalamnya
Ada contoh yang baik bagaimana beda penafsiran menimbulkan perbedaan tingkah laku pembacanya. Kita ambil salah satu paragraf yang sangat terkenal dalam kitab suci, yaitu dalam do’a yang diajarkan Yesus sendiri: “Jadilah kehendakMu, ya Bapa, Di atas Bumi seperti di dalam Surga”. Paragraf ini kita simak bersama dengan paragraf: “Pada akhir jaman Tuhan akan datang dengan segala kemegahanNya dengan berselimutkan awan, dst…..”. Menafsirkan dua paragraf ini saja, umat Kristen langsung akan terbagi dalam dua kelompok besar:
Kelompok pertama adalah kelompok mistikus, yaitu kelompok yang tiap hari mengucapkan do’a itu sambil “merem-merem serius” tapi tak pernah berbuat apa-apa untuk ikut mewujudkan terciptanya kondisi Bumi agar kelak seperti di dalam Surga. Dalam hatinya yang ada adalah: “Kan Tuhan bisa bim-salabim, maka sekejap juga Bumi jadi Surga! Buat apa repot-repot ikut mikirin, percaya saja, beres, gampang, kan?, gitu aja kok repot! Apalagi sudah jelas dikatakan bahwa Tuhan akan datang berselimutkan awan!, memisahkan yang benar dan yang tak benar. Jadi buat apa ikut campur? Gimana maunya Tuhan ajalah.”
Kelompok kedua adalah kelompok realistis-religius. Kelompok ini sadar bahwa usia Bumi ini sudah jutaan tahun dan selama waktu itu ternyata tingkat kemuliaan manusia baru mencapai titik seperti sekarang ini. Dibutuhkan waktu yang masih amat sangat panjang untuk menciptakan kondisi “Bumi seperti di dalam Surga”. Seberapa panjang waktu itu sebenarnya sangat tergantung dari peran manusia sendiri untuk ikut campur di dalamnya. Jadi kalau ada orang yang ngomong bahwa sebentar lagi dunia mau kiamat hanya gara-gara banyak bencana, itu adalah omongan yang paling ngawur dan tak ada konteksnya sama sekali dilihat dari susahnya evolusi Bumi ini menuju ke arah kemuliaan yang diinginkan Tuhan. Itu omongan khas Nabi Palsu. Tuhan ingin membuat Bumi ini seperti di dalam Surga adalah untuk manusia, bukan untuk diriNya sendiri. Dan amat sangat mustahil bahwa Surga itu isinya orang-orang yang mau terima beres dan enak sendiri tanpa berbuat apa-apa. Juga amat-sangat mustahil bahwa Tuhan akan menghancurkan Bumi dengan sekali tendang ketika bumi tengah berjuang menuju kemuliannya yang telah dijalaninya dengan terseok-seok selama jutaan tahun, bahkan telah dikirimNya PutraNya sendiri ke Bumi untuk mempercepat proses itu. Oleh sebab itulah kelompok ini sangat menyadari: “Jangan cuma komat-kamit meluncurkan do’a itu setiap hari, tetapi mari kita perjuangkan semua itu bersama Tuhan!”
Saudara, anda termasuk kelompok yang mana? Lupakanlah masa lalu kalau anda merasa ada di kelompok yang pertama, dan mari hidup dalam kelompok yang kedua. Mengapa begitu? Karena iman kita jelas: “Jesus itu ya Allah ya Manusia, bukan cuma Allah tok yang bisa berbuat bim-salabim dan menyenangkan semua pengikut “Harry Potter” (Itu tokoh fiksi dalam dunia sihir-menyihir). Tuhan itu Maha Mulia, ya, saya tahu. Dan Dia juga menginginkan kita manusia jadi mulia, sampai-sampai Dia mau menjelma menjadi manusia untuk mengurus kita, menemui kita yang serba belepotan ini secara langsung, untuk menegakkan kita dalam dunia yang masih jauh dari sempurna ini. Percayalah, kita tidak mungkin mencapai kesempurnaan itu dalam sekejap, bahkan butuh kerja keras dengan mengerahkan seluruh kemampuan terbaik yang sudah diberikan pada kita: akal budi, fisik yang sehat, keluarga yang damai, dan semoga penyelenggara Negara yang semakin baik, serta masih banyak lagi. “Dunia seperti dalam Surga” tidak akan pernah tercapai ketika kelompok mistikus jumlahnya selalu jauh lebih besar daripada kelompok realistis-religius, apalagi kalau ditambah dengan kelompok anarkis, teroris, imperialis, dan lain-lain yang sangat melecehkan kemuliaan manusiawi itu sendiri. Mari kita semakin “membumi” dan jangan “ngawang” terus. Sekecil apapun yang bisa kita sumbangkan untuk kemuliaan, akan kita kerjakan dengan semangat pelayanan yang tinggi.

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